Creative & Digital Marketing

On behalf of the entire creative and digital marketing team, I’m thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you! We’re delighted that you have joined Insight and look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together.

To help you hit the ground running, we’ve put together a comprehensive creative & digital marketing roadmap to help you highlight your expertise, reach target audiences, and drive patient engagement.

We’re committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to succeed from day one. Our team values collaboration and creativity, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly to ask questions and share your ideas. — Imran Nanlawala, Corporate Digital Marketing & Creative Director

1. Onboarding & Discovery (Week 1)

  • Discovery Call: Schedule an initial discovery call to understand the physician’s unique specialties, strengths, and needs. Set expectations for coming weeks.
  • Expectation Setting: Clearly outline the marketing process, timelines, and set boundaries on the physician’s involvement in marketing specifics.
  • Schedule Headshot and Welcome Video: Schedule 30 minutes

2. Branding & Collateral Design (Weeks 1-2))

  • Brand Positioning: Understand and highlight what makes the physician special. This will guide the marketing message.
  • Design Phase: Create essential marketing materials such as rack cards, business cards, and flyers. Share the initial designs for feedback.

3. Digital & SEO Research (Weeks 3-4)

  • Keyword Analysis: Identify relevant keywords and search terms that potential patients might use.
  • Competitive Analysis: Research competing service lines to understand market positioning and identify potential gaps.
  • Audience Segmentation: Identify the primary audience segments to target based on the physician’s specialty.
  • Platform Analysis: Determine the most effective platforms (Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) for advertising.
  • Budget Estimation: Provide a preliminary budget required for the ads based on the analysis.

4. Feedback & Strategy Presentation for Managers and Directors (End of Week 4)

  • Strategy Overview: Present the overall digital marketing strategy, explaining the rationale behind each decision.
  • Budget Breakdown: Detail the projected ad spend, expected cost per acquisition, and potential ROI.
  • Approval: Seek approval on the proposed strategy and budget.

5. Ad Campaign Launch (Weeks 5-8)

  • Ad Creation: Design and create ad content based on research findings.
  • Ad Testing: Test different ad formats, creatives, and copies to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Campaign Monitoring: Monitor the ad performance, track key metrics, and make necessary adjustments.

6. Data Analysis & Feedback (Week 9)

  • Performance Report: Provide a comprehensive report detailing the ad performance, conversions, and other relevant metrics.
  • Feedback Session: Discuss the report with the physician, explaining the results and key takeaways.

7. Pivot & Strategy Adjustments (Months 2-3)

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use the data collected to make informed decisions about continuing, halting, or adjusting the ad campaigns.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Keep an eye on the campaign performance and make real-time adjustments as needed.

8. Quarterly Review (End of Month 3)

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Review the overall performance of the campaigns over the past three months.
  • Strategy Revision: Based on the results, decide on the next steps – whether to scale up, pivot, or try a different approach.


Sample Physician Rack Card
Sample Appointment Card
Sample Department Flyer

Sample Social Media Posts

Sample Department Page

Sample Videos

Creative Request Process Instructions

If you are looking for help with digital marketing or creative services, Insight’s internal creative team can elevate your projects to new heights! Our team understands Insight’s unique culture, goals, and vision, and are experts at turning your ideas into captivating visuals and compelling content.

To streamline our project workflow and ensure the highest quality results, we have established a clear process for project submission, review, feedback, and approval. By following these guidelines, we aim to deliver exceptional designs that meet your expectations while maintaining efficiency and accuracy.

To ensure a seamless collaboration, please adhere to the following steps:

  1. Submission of Request:

Kindly provide comprehensive details about your project, and any specific requirements you may have via this form:

Michigan form                         Chicago form

  1. Review of Initial Draft:

We will promptly create an initial draft based on your brief. Upon completion, we’ll share it with you for your review and feedback.

  1. Feedback and Revisions:

Your feedback is invaluable in refining the design to meet your expectations. Please provide any necessary revisions or adjustments, and we’ll implement them accordingly. To maintain efficiency, we kindly request that revisions be limited to a maximum of three times.

  1. Final Approval:

Once the revisions are complete, we’ll present the revised draft for your final approval.

For printing projects:

  1. Pre-Print Verification:

Before proceeding to printing, we’ll conduct a comprehensive check to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  1. Printing Process:

Upon receiving your final approval, we’ll initiate the printing process to bring your design to life.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance at any stage of the process, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Policy on Google My Business Pages

To ensure a consistent and professional online presence, we have established a policy regarding the creation and management of Google My Business pages. This policy outlines the responsibilities of department managers and the Creative and Digital Marketing team in creating, managing, and maintaining these pages. By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to uphold our brand standards and effectively represent our organization across all departments.

Responsibility for Creation

If a department requires a Google My Business page, the department manager is responsible for creating the page.

Access Management

After creating the page, the manager should grant access to the Creative and Digital Marketing team. This team is responsible for maintaining, updating, and managing the page to ensure it aligns with the overall marketing strategy and brand standards.

Department Pages Only

Individual Google My Business pages are not permitted. Only pages representing departments are allowed. This policy helps maintain a unified and professional presence for our organization online.

Compliance and Updates

Managers are also responsible for ensuring that the information on the Google My Business page is accurate and up-to-date. Any significant changes must be communicated promptly to the Creative and Digital Marketing team.

Support and Assistance

The Creative and Digital Marketing team is available to assist with the creation and management of the Google My Business pages. Managers are encouraged to reach out for support as needed to ensure the pages are effectively utilized.

Policy on Website Page Updates and Maintenance

To maintain accurate, relevant, and up-to-date content on our website, department managers play a crucial role in the review and update process. This policy outlines the responsibilities of department managers and the Creative and Digital Marketing team in ensuring our web pages reflect current information and adhere to company standards. By following these guidelines, we can uphold our brand integrity and provide a consistent online presence.

Responsibility for Review

Department managers are responsible for regularly reviewing their department’s web pages. This ensures that the content remains accurate, relevant, and up-to-date.

Initiating Updates

When updates or changes are necessary, department managers must initiate meetings with the Creative and Digital Marketing team by sending a request via form. These meetings are crucial for discussing and planning the required updates or changes.

Coordination and Implementation

Managers should provide detailed information about the required changes, including new content, images, or structural modifications. The website designer and the Creative and Digital Marketing team will coordinate with the manager to implement these changes effectively.

Consistency and Compliance

The Creative and Digital Marketing team will ensure that all updates comply with the company’s branding guidelines and digital standards. Maintaining this consistency is essential for a professional and cohesive online presence. If any received requests contradict these standards, it is the responsibility of the Creative and Digital Marketing team to inform the requester and suggest solutions that align with the guidelines and standards.

Support and Assistance

The Creative and Digital Marketing team is available to assist with the review and updating process. Managers are encouraged to seek support and guidance as needed to ensure their web pages are optimized and effective.