Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain

Chronic lateral ankle pain is a recurring pain on the outer side of the ankle. It usually develops after a sprained ankle or other injury, although there are other conditions that may cause chronic pain. Chronic lateral ankle pain may impact the ability to walk or run. The likelihood of ankle sprains also increases with this condition.


Ankle sprains that do not heal correctly are the most common cause of chronic lateral ankle pain. Sprains stretch and tear the tissue between bones. Even with proper rehabilitation, the muscles can remain weak and unstable, increasing the risk for additional ankle injuries. Other causes include arthritis, fractures, flatfoot, and the development of scar tissue after another injury.


Ankle sprains that do not heal correctly are the most common cause of chronic lateral ankle pain. Sprains stretch and tear the tissue between bones. Even with proper rehabilitation, the muscles can remain weak and unstable, increasing the risk for additional ankle injuries. Other causes include arthritis, fractures, flatfoot, and the development of scar tissue after another injury.


Understanding medical history and past issues with ankle pain and injuries is the first step in diagnosing chronic lateral ankle pain. A physical exam will also show signs of swelling, tenderness, and limited range of motion. Imaging tests such as x-rays and MRIs may be used to identify ankle injuries.


Treatments will vary depending on the type of injury. Rest, anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections, and physical therapy are successful in most cases. If conservative options do not bring relief, surgery may be required to remove loose fragments or reconstruct ligaments.

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