Upcoming Lecture On April 22nd

Upcoming Lecture On April 22nd

Please join us for this month’s Grand Rounds Video Lecture Series, where we are honored to Dr. Ali Al-Ramadan MD teach us about “Acute and Post-Acute Neurological Complications of COVID-19”. Dr. Ali Al-Ramadan is a research scholar at the University...
INSIGHT- Chicago Featured in Block Club Chicago

INSIGHT- Chicago Featured in Block Club Chicago

New Mercy Hospital Owners Face ‘Deplorable’ Conditions And Mounting Debt. Can They Revive A Bronzeville Institution? Insight Chicago’s deal to buy Mercy Hospital was finalized last month. Now, the new owners are working to rejuvenate a 169-year-old hospital that...
Upcoming Lecture On March 18th

Upcoming Lecture On March 18th

Insight is excited to announce this month’s Grand Rounds Lecture Series. Eventually, we hope to be able to host you on-site as we have in the past but, for now, we will be presenting via Zoom. The presentation for March will be held Thursday, March 18th at 4:00...