Volar Plate Injuries

Volar plate injuries, often referred to as “jammed fingers,” occur when the thick ligament that connects the bones in the finger are damaged. The volar plate is what stabilizes the finger and keeps it from bending backward.


Volar plate injuries are often the result of trauma such as sports injuries or falls on an outstretched hand. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis can weaken the volar plate, which can also lead to injury. In some instances, the bone attached to the volar plate can fracture and pull away.


Joint pain and swelling are typically the most common symptoms of volar plate injuries. Tenderness and joint instability are also symptoms. If dislocation occurs, the finger will be noticeably unstable and out of alignment.


Physicians will assess the hand and analyze symptoms and medical history. X-rays may also be used to confirm volar plate injuries, including fractures.


Volar plate injuries generally respond well to non-surgical treatments, including splints, physical therapy, and rest. In severe cases where the joint is unstable, surgery may be required.


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