Insight Neuro Chiropractic Center – Whether you work at a desk, drive for a living, or enjoy spending time relaxing in front of the TV, it is not uncommon for us to spend a significant portion of our days sitting. Although this might seem harmless, sitting for extended periods over time can lead to a number of health issues, including back pain. If you’re feeling stiff and sore after a day of sitting, you’re not alone. Nearly 65 million Americans have reported a recent episode of back pain and sitting for prolonged periods is one of the most commonly reported reasons! Here are just a few of the ways sitting all day may be causing your back pain, as well as some simple tips to help you get moving throughout the day.

How Sitting Impacts Your Back

Compressed Discs

People often sit in a slouched or poor posture, which compresses the vertebrae in the spine. This puts pressure on the discs between the vertebrae over time, which can lead to discomfort, pain, and herniated discs (e.g. bulging or ruptured discs).

Muscle Weakness

After extended periods of sitting, the core and back muscles begin to weaken. These are the muscles responsible for supporting the spine and maintaining good posture. This can also lead to imbalances in the musculoskeletal system as time progresses, resulting in a greater likelihood of back pain and injuries.

Poor Posture

Poor posture occurs when the body is not in optimal alignment. Sitting, which often encourages a hunched posture where the shoulders roll forward and the spine curves unnaturally, can lead to stiffness and lower back pain. Poor posture also puts excess strain on the lower back, neck, and shoulders.

Decreased Circulation

Sitting for an extended period of time reduces blood flow to our muscles and joints, which can lead to stiffness and pain in the lower back. When circulation is restricted, it can also impact the body’s ability to heal and regenerate new tissue.

Tips to Help You Get Moving

Although it isn’t always possible to avoid sitting, there are many things we can do to stay active throughout the day and prevent back pain. Here are just a few tips to help you move more and improve your posture.

Make Time to Be Active

Make an effort to get up and move every 30 minutes. This can be as simple as standing up to stretch or taking a short walk around your home/office. Any movement will help you avoid stiffness and improve circulation. If you’re having trouble making time to move around, set a recurring timer on your phone so you don’t forget.

Think About Workspace Ergonomics

Optimize your workspace, including desks and chairs, to promote good posture. Your chair should support your lower back and your computer should be at eye level to avoid slouching. Your feet should also be flat on the floor, with your knees at a 90-degree angle.

Stretch Regularly

Also make time to stretch regularly throughout the day. Stretches that target the back, hips, and hamstrings are particularly effective in preventing back pain. Exercises like yoga or tai chi are another great way to improve posture and relieve discomfort.

Consider a Standing Desk

For people with desk jobs, a standing desk is a great option to help you avoid sitting all day. Alternating between sitting and standing is recommended to relieve pressure on the lower back and promote better posture.

Sitting for long periods of time isn’t always avoidable, but it doesn’t have to come with back pain. By making minor adjustments during the day, such as taking time to walk or stretch and optimizing your ergonomics, you can protect your spine and minimize discomfort. If you’re experiencing back pain and are looking for natural pain relief solutions, chiropractic care is a great option! Contact Insight Neuro Chiropractic Center today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.