Insight Behavioral Health – Whether you have past experience with therapy or this is your first time, seeking help from a mental health professional can be a confusing and intimidating experience. One of the best ways to break the ice and help you feel more informed, comfortable, and empowered is to come prepared with a few questions to ask during your first session. In addition to putting you at ease, this will also ensure your therapy is effective and tailored to your needs. To help you get the most out of your next therapy sessions, here are six questions to consider asking your therapist.

What can I expect during our sessions?

It’s normal to come into therapy with apprehension. Knowing what will happen during your therapy sessions will not only relieve anxiety and uncertainty, but it will empower you to advocate for your needs and preferences. Patients with a clear understanding of the process are also more likely to take an active role in their healing process, adhering to recommendations and working toward goals. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about your therapist’s approach, specialties, and experience treating your specific issue/condition.

What are the goals of our therapy sessions and how will we measure progress?

In addition to having a thorough understanding of what to expect during therapy, it is also important to consider what you want to achieve with your sessions and how this progress will be measured. Before you arrive at your appointment, take time to reflect on your goals, as well as any specific challenges you would like to address, and express this when you meet with your therapist. Together, you can discuss how you will work toward these goals, including steps to make adjustments when you progress or your priorities change.

How can I give you feedback during our sessions?

As you progress through therapy, the feedback you give your therapist will be crucial to ensuring your sessions are effective and worthwhile. It is important to always be honest, direct, and specific. For example, you might say “I feel we haven’t been focusing enough on my anxiety.” Also ask for your therapist’s input to ensure you are both on the same page. People are often apprehensive about asking questions or sharing concerns. However, knowing what you want and need, and having the ability to speak up for yourself, will lead to a more personalized and effective experience.

Is there anything I can be doing outside of our sessions to support my therapy?

Progress in therapy isn’t only limited to your interactions with your therapist. There are many things you can do on your own that will enhance your work and reinforce what you have learned during your sessions. Your therapist may recommend books or other resources that can provide you with additional insight and strategies. They may recommend making different lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough exercise and sleep. Your therapist could also encourage you to work on communication or relationship issues, employing skills you have learned in sessions with family and friends in real-life interactions.

How can I stay motivated and engaged during therapy?

Therapy can be a long process and you might not see results right away. If you are having trouble staying motivated and engaged, communicate these concerns with your therapist as soon as possible. They can help you identify barriers and establish clear and realistic goals to help you celebrate small wins. They may also suggest other strategies such as keeping a journal to track your progress or maintaining a routine that will help you stay consistent and motivated. Just remember to be patient with yourself, recognizing that setbacks are a normal part of therapy and change takes time.

What happens if I reach a point where I feel I no longer need therapy?

At some point in your therapy journey, after reflecting on the progress you’ve made and the goals you’ve achieved, it is likely you will reach a point where you will choose to end your sessions. Ask your therapist what this process will look like, including how the appropriate duration of therapy will be determined for your needs. When the time comes, be open and honest with your therapist when expressing how you feel. Your therapist might have thoughts and observations on discontinuing therapy that you have not considered. If you both agree this is the right decision, discuss plans for maintaining your progress going forward, including additional strategies and scheduling periodic check-ins. Again, respectful and clear communication will ensure you are both on the same page and set up for success.

If you are starting therapy, asking these six questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of the therapy process and feel more comfortable and engaged as you take steps to better your mental health. Our experienced team at Insight Behavioral Health is here to support you in all aspects of your health and wellness. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.


Q: Who is a good candidate for therapy?

A: Anyone who feels they could benefit from professional support to improve their mental health and well-being is a good candidate for therapy. Persistent sadness and anxiety, major life changes, struggling with relationships, trauma, and issues with confidence/low self-esteem are all common reasons people seek therapy.

Q: How is progress in therapy usually measured?

A: Progress varies from person to person. In most cases, specific goals will be established at the beginning of therapy. Over time, these goals will be evaluated through check-ins, patient feedback, and other assessments relevant to each patient’s specific needs.

Q: Isn’t therapy only for people with severe mental illness?

A: It is a common misconception that therapy is only for people with serious mental health disorders. However, anyone experiencing stress, emotional difficulties, or personal growth challenges can benefit from therapy. In fact, it is beneficial to seek therapy before stress and emotions become overwhelming.